Bone Augmentation Case Studies
Our case studies include before and after photos of our happy patients with bone augmentation treatment.

Case #143 : Bone Augmentation
Courtesy: Dr. Nico Kamosi
Surgical presentation: narrow knife-edge ridge region 34-36. with sufficient bone height with the high-location mental foramen.
Surgical procedure: mid-crestal incision; full-thickness, 33/32 papilla preservation technique; narrow knife-edge ridge; identified the mental foramen; mid-crestal bone incision with piezo (8mm deep) buccal release cuts (trapezium); ridge expansion; ø2.2mm/ø2.8mm/3.5mm osteotomies> bone block (10mmx25mm) fixation.
Implants: 34: Straumann BL NC ø3.3x12mm; 36: Straumann BL RC ø4.1x10mm implants with sufficient primary stability.
Bone augmentation: Bio-Oss between the cortical plates and lateral to the implant 34; Bio-Guide (GBR).
Case #144 : Implant Bridge
Courtesy: Dr. Nico Kamosi
History of present complaints (HPC): unstable bite, aesthetically disturbing smile line.
Clinical presentations: 1. Missing teeth 24, 25, 26, 3. functional chewing discomfort.
Specialist treatment schedule for oral function rehabilitation:
1) Full mouth periodontal, hygienist and stable periodontal health, 2) Implants 24, 25, 26 plus sinus- and lateral-bone augmentation, 3. New aesthetic crown 23, 5. ZrO2 implant-supported crowns.