Home » Metal Free Post and Core Restorations

Metal-free posts made of glass fibres or quartz fibres embedded in a resin matrix address several of the carbon fibre post’s shortcomings. Metal-free fiberglass posts are prefabricated posts used in reconstructive dentistry to reinforce endodontically treated teeth and to support crowns and bridges.

Fibreglass post bonded
Fibreglass post bonded

What are the advantages of dental fiberglass posts?

  1. Mechanical Properties
    • Flexibility: Metal-free glass fibre or quartz fibre posts have the advantage of having a modulus of elasticity (~40 Gpa) similar to that of tooth dentin (~20 Gpa). This means their flexibility is compatible with the natural tooth structure, which facilitates even stress distribution throughout the tooth root inner structure, hence reducing the risk for root fracture.
    • High strength: Fiberglass posts are flexible yet strong and durable, providing adequate support for restorations.
    • Metal-free glass fibre posts offer the benefit of a tapered design compatible with the root shape, which requires less tooth structure removal for post preparation.
    • Metal-free glass fibre posts have enhanced bond strength to a variety of resin cements; this means improved restorative predictability.
  2. Biocompatibility
    • Non-irritating: As fiberglass posts are biocompatible, they don’t cause allergic reactions, irritation, or adverse responses in the surrounding tissues.
    • Corrosion-resistant: Unlike metal posts, fibreglass posts do not corrode or deteriorate when exposed to a moist environment.
  3. Aesthetic Advantage
    • High translucency: Fiberglass posts have high translucency, which is ideal for use in the front teeth where aesthetics are demanding.
  4. Improved Bonding
    • Bonding: Fiberglass posts have high bonding strength to composite resins and other dental materials, improving restorative integration. The tight seal obtained by high bonding capability between the post and the root prevents bacterial leakage and future recurrent decay.
    • Minimally invasive: As they require less destruction of the natural tooth structure, most of the remaining natural tooth is preserved.
  5. Versatility
    • Based on different clinical situations, fiberglass posts are fabricated and used in various sizes and shapes to reinforce and support single or multi-rooted teeth. Fibreglass posts are easily adjustable to fit the specific inner dimension of the roots when needed.

Overall, dental fiberglass posts offer a combination of aesthetic, functional, and practical benefits, making them a preferred choice for many dental professionals when restoring endodontically treated teeth.

Metal-free Core Restorations

Metal-free cores made of bonded resin composites are the core material of choice to reconstruct fractured or undermined teeth. The ideal composite core materials should bond to tooth structure during the process of dual-curing. This allows the clinician to immediately prepare the crown after post-core placement.