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What is AcceleDent?

AcceleDent is a Class II on-prescription a mouthpiece medical device approved by the FDA. It emits micro pulses that stimulate bone remodelling and faster teeth movement.

How does AcceleDent accelerates the orthodontic tooth movement?

To accelerate tooth movement Soft-pulse technology generates High-frequency acceleration (HFA) via micro-pulses upon biting the AcceleDent mouthpiece.

High-frequency vibration device increased the metabolism of periodontal ligament (PDL) hence physiological tooth movement rate by stimulating cytokines bone remodeling.

Consistent daily application of an appropriate vibration device enhances the efficiency and predictability of the orthodontic tooth movement by clear aligners without causing pain or discomfort.


How Safe and effective AcceleDent works?

AcceleDent has been studied extensively and proven to be highly safe and effective in speeding up treatment time by 50% for thousands of patients who indicated no signs of root resorption or other dental problems.

Clinical trials suggest that to achieve the desired results AcceleDent should be used 20 minutes per day followed by the continued usual wearing of Invisalign aligners.

What are the benefits of AcceleDent in the Holistic Orthodontic practice?

  • The use of Invisalign Smart Track aligners with concurrent application of high-frequency mechanical vibration (HFV) exerted by AcceleDent reduces the orthodontically induced tooth root resorption (OITRR).
  • AcceleDent is the only vibration device to enhance the active treatment and retention
  • Facilitate the Aligner Seating
  • Reduced the pain and discomfort during the first 3 days of clear aligner treatment.
  • Accelerates aligner changes and reduces the number of Refinements required
  • Reduces the total treatment time by encouraging the bone remodelling
  • AcceleDent has Dual Mechanism of Action during the Active or Retention treatment period
  • Improves treatment accuracy
  • The daily use of AcceleDent for 5 minutes per day reduces the time for each aligner changes “predictably” to 5-7 days
  • AcceleDent increases orthodontic efficiency & efficacy